New site!

Visit the new website!From a football standpoint, things are pretty quiet these days. I like to think of it as the calm before the storm. The NFL Draft, rookie minicamps and OTA’s are pretty much behind us. Training camp looms on the horizon. The football season is in limbo.

With that being said, I thought it the perfect time to make some changes around here. And these are not your standard run-of-the-mill changes, like getting a new header image or some new widgets. Nope. This is big.

We have been running off the free WordPress blog for quite a while now and it has served us well. But the time has come to move up and play with the big boys in the blogging industry. The Hazean is going live:

Finally, we are moving up in the world. We bought the domain last week, had to get it transferred (thanks, Mock Draft Central) and now are ready to roll with our new digs.

What this means for you, the reader:

  • First, we need you guys to head over to the new site and subscribe via reader or email. We do not want to leave you guys in the dark (this site is not going to be updated anymore), and we want more people to subscribe, so tell your friends to do so as well! However, if you already are a subscriber here, you can keep your subscription and I will fix the feed later this week to automatically transfer you to the new blog.
  • Second, more content. We are going to have a few more guys helping write with the goal of throwing out at least one post a day. Some examples: Daily Haze instead of Weekly Haze, interviews, training camp reports, rookie watch, the Monday morning rehab, Friday polls and lists, player rankings and much more.
  • Third, more features. Polls, ads, maybe some contests, who knows. As we find cool stuff to do with the blog, we will push it out to you, the reader, to make your stay at The Hazean as good as possible. We want to know more of your ideas/suggestions/comments too!

So head on over to and bookmark it, or subscribe via feed reader or email. This blog is done, we will not update it anymore from now on, so consider this its farewell. It has been good to us, no doubt, but we are ready for the next phase.

Looking forward to seeing you guys at the new site! Bring your friends!

3 Responses

  1. Congratulations. Reader and blogroll are updated.

  2. Congrats Haze! I just switched to self hosted so I know exactly what you’re going through! We’ll be sure to check out the new site.

  3. Sweet. Will check it out and good luck. Will add you to my list of links.

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